Page last updated on January 27, 2020 Population: 67,848,156 (July 2020 est.) note: the above figure is for metropolitan France and five overseas regions; the metropolitan France population is 62,814,233 country comparison to the world (CIA rank, may be based on non-current data): . Selon l'Insee, la France comptait en 2004 près de cinq millions d'immigrés, dont la moitié avait la nationalité française. Au 1 er janvier 2014, la France compte 65,8 millions d’habitants hors Mayotte : 11,6 % d’entre eux sont nés à l’étranger, 8,9 % sont immigrés et 6,4 % sont de nationalité étrangère. FRANCE Our own estimate based on UN data shows the world's population surpassing 7.7 billion. Et 30% sur 100 000 ça fait 30 000 ! Les 11.6 % indiqués en rouge ne représentent que ceux qui détiennent un titre de séjour. Figure 3 – Population pyramids for the EU -28 (number of women and men by age group), 2020 and 2050 _____ 5 Figure 4 – Median age of the population (years) in each of the EU-28 Member States in 1970 and 2018, and projected median age in 2070_____ ___ 7 This chapter focuses on the children of these migrants, most of whom were born in France and have French citizenship. In the past ten years, France’s population growth rate has decreased significantly to 0.22%. It consists of the number of pre-trial/remand prisoners in the prison population on a single date in the year (or the annual average) and the percentage of the total prison population that pre-trial/remand prisoners constituted on that day. Population Pyramids: France - 2020. 29/01/2021 compte en réalité 50% de personnes d'origine étrangère dont 30% d'origine maghrébine. 21 [see also: Population country ranks] According to current projections, France’s population is expected to reach its peak at 67.68 million people in 2045, after which it will decline slowly back down to 65.55 million people by the end of the century. The final column shows the pre-trial/remand population rate per 100,000 of the national population. Abstract. Capital Paris Population (2010) 62,790,000 Annual population growth rate (2000-2010) 0.6% Population gain (2000-2010) 3,740,000 GDP per capita $30,386 (US) Literacy In December 2020, turnover in large-scale food retailing bounced back sharply after lockdown was lifted. European Countries by population (2021) Click on each country to view current estimates (live population clock), historical data, list of countries, and projected figures. In December 2020, agricultural producer prices decreased by 1.4% year on year. 29/01/2021. Manufacturing industry turnover was virtually stable in November 2020 (+0.1%) 29/01/2021. France has been a host country to immigrants from the Maghreb (Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco) for more than a century. Other indicators visualized on maps: (In English only, for now) Adolescent fertility rate (births per 1,000 women ages 15-19) Cette ville d'environ 100 000 hab. Au cours des années 2006 à 2013, l’ensemble de la population résidant en France a augmenté de 2,6 millions de personnes, celle de nationalité française de 2,1 millions. The current US Census Bureau world population estimate in June 2019 shows that the current global population is 7,577,130,400 people on earth, which far exceeds the world population of 7.2 billion from 2015.
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population maghrébine en france 2020 2021