Jun 15, 2018 3,926 Duncan. ü On a personal plan, the capacity to realize a research project. This environment ensures you effective and high interactive lectures, where students and instructors from different horizons, backgrounds, and countries meet and share their knowledge and experience. It is designed to help you understand, experience, and observe the nitty-gritties of corporate life. MBA Global Finance in IAE Nice MBA Global Finance in IAE Nice. Candidates’ Profile. (a) Colonne "Coef." IAE Nice. IAE Nice (Graduate School of Management) 3w. IAE Nice Graduate School of Management. The director's message; Certification labels; Rankings; Teaching staff; Administration staff; Communication - Press; Working at the University; The University of Nice ; Université Côte d'Azur; The IAE France network; Contact us; Programs. North America. This environment ensures you effective and high interactive lectures, where students and instructors from different horizons, backgrounds, and countries meet and share their knowledge and experience. Aller à la navigation. 1- I am accredited as Algerian expert by the ministry of the tourism at the level of a reflection on the statistics of the tourism, including the countries of the Maghreb and the western countries of Africa An internship is essential for obtaining a degree. Faculty. Welcome; Your School; Your University; IAE France; Certification; A word from the Dean; Certification labels ; Rankings; Administration Staff ; Teaching staff; Communication - Press; Working at the University; Université Côte d'Azur; The IAE France network; Contact us; Programs. IAE Nice full professors and lecturers    International visiting professors    External professional speakers. (b) Colonne "ECTS" : Les crédits ECTS indiqués entre parenthèses ne s'appliquent qu'aux étudiants en mobilité sortante ou entrante (Erasmus ou autres programmes de partenariat international). During the first 6 months of instruction, from October to March, you are provided with a solid grounding in business. Aller au contenu. Courses are scheduled three days a week to allow you to study and work at the same time if you choose so. During the first 6 months of instruction, from October to March, you are provided with a solid grounding in business. IAE Nice. The director's message; Certification labels; Rankings; Teaching staff; Administration staff; Communication - Press ; Working at the University; The University of Nice; Université Côte d'Azur; The IAE France network; Contact us; Programs. DS 1 : Mathématiques et leurs intéractions; DS 2 : Physique English MENUE IAE : Vous êtes ici : Accueil / IAE / En / Programs / BBA / Overview; Info × Overview Contacts. Our BBA Kick off meeting on October 5 at IAE Nice. #IaeNice #BBA #internationaldegree #businessadministration… Aimée par Laetitia De Vreese. LG s'associe à StarLeaf autour des solutions de visioconférence de salles de réunion https://lnkd.in/d_smyyN #StarLeaf #lgelectronics #fvs… Aimée par Laetitia De Vreese. Eduniversal is an annual ranking of business schools and universities in over 150 countries. Welcome to Nice ; A word from the Dean; Your University; IAE France; The IAE France network ; Certification; Certification labels; Rankings; Communication - Press; Working at the University; Université Côte d'Azur; Contact us; Programs. Get the opportunity to get access to one of our International Master's degrees. At IAE Nice, we believe that you not only need to acquire core business and management Know-How, but you also need to nurture your own interpersonal Skills. BBA, EMBA and EDBA at IAE Nice Graduate School of Management, Université Côte d'Azur: http://iae.unice.fr Development and activation of a professional network, Support in the construction of your professional project, Practitioners and guest speakers in different fields of management. Get the opportunity to get access to one of our International Master's degrees. The IAE Nice (Institut d'Administration des Entreprises de Nice) is a business school in the South of France, part of Nice University. Nationalities +10. #IaeNice #BBA #internationaldegree #businessadministration… Aimée par Lilit Ayvazyan. BBA in France (Challenges 2020) #14. Business school in Europe (in Financial Times European Business School Rankings 2019) IAE Nice. We offer you the chance to: Broaden your knowledge base, Supplement your core competencies, Seize the opportunity to gain a transverse managerial insight, and Get access to one of our International Master's (master 2) or MBA programs. It allows the students to prepare themselves for the realities of professional life, and it allows the companies to evaluate the skills of their future employees. During the first 6 months of instruction, from October to March, you are provided with a solid grounding in business. The diploma is referenced EDBAC and the IAE of Nice AACSB. From April to September you conduct your internship and defend a dissertation at the end of your experience. IAE Nice. Nice-Côte d’Azur international airport, second busiest of France, offers you rapid and low-cost connections not only to tourist destinations for your weekends, but also to your next career opportunities around Europe and worldwide. | All IAE Schools of Management offer a range of courses covering all fields of Management, some of them taught in english, and deliver Bachelor's, Master's and PhD degrees accredited by the French Government. It is designed to help you understand, experience, and observe the nitty-gritties of corporate life. 3,926: 29: Aditya.jos... Jun 15, 2018 Duncan: Need suggestion regarding MBA program in France Need suggestion regarding MBA program in France. We invite you to submit your application at the beginning of 2021 for the academic year 2021-2022 Holding a minimum of a 2-year Undergraduate degree in ANY FIELD (no business degree required): your degree must last a minimum of two years and grant a minimum of 120 ECTS credits, or 60 US credits, or equivalent. Jun 21, 2018 128 Larry. | Join our BBA curriculum at IAE Nice! Operating from campuses in Lille, Nice, Paris, London and Singapore, EDHEC is one of the world’s top 20 business schools. Created by and for entrepreneurs, EDHEC has embodied the fundamental values of business for over a century. Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE) Institut Supérieur d’Économie et de Management (ISEM) Institut Universitaire de Technologie Nice-Côte d'Azur (IUT) Institut méditerranéen du risque, de l'environnement et du développement durable ; Institut Ulysse; Laboratoires. The right academic curriculum that combines practical learning and theoretical learning, A mandatory 4-to 6-month professional internship (April - September), Courses scheduled three days a week from October to March, Go deeper on fundamentals acquired in management and train yourself in the expectations of the market, Give you the ability to take your career to the next level and gain more expertise in Business Administration, Acquire lifelong tools to achieve your ambitions and dreams. Our BBA is all about Know-How & Soft Skills. Development and activation of a professional network, Support in the construction of your professional project, Practitioners and guest speakers in different fields of management. 128: 2: Fin_To: Jun 21, 2018 Larry: Jobs post MBA in France Jobs post MBA in France. : With our BBA, it is easy to build familiarity with an International Master’s degree at IAE Nice. Pour les étudiants régulièrement inscrits pour l'obtention du diplôme, les crédits ECTS sont octroyés au niveau des Unités. Holding a 3-year Undergraduate degree in a specific field that you wish to complement with our BBA to gain the managerial insight. Soft Skills complimentary added value offer incl. Latin America. Page officielle de l'IAE Nice Graduate School of Management The Executive MBA at IAE Nice is ranked 8th in France (Le MOCI – Moniteur du Commerce International, 2020). IAE FRANCE is the first source of Research in management in France. IAE Nice. Average age 28 years . #1. Management of International Business [Master MIB], Faculté des lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines (LASH), Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l'Education (ESPE), Institut du Droit de la Paix et du Développement (IDPD), Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE), Institut Supérieur d’Économie et de Management (ISEM), Institut Universitaire de Technologie Nice-Côte d'Azur (IUT), Institut méditerranéen du risque, de l'environnement et du développement durable, DS 1 : Mathématiques et leurs intéractions, DS 3 : Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers, Espace, DS 6 : Sciences de l'homme et des humanités, DS 9 : Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, DS 10 : Département Sciences Agronomiques et Ecologiques, Afficher d'autres contenus que les vôtres (laboratoires, projets, chercheurs...), Seize the opportunity to gain a transverse managerial insight, and. At IAE Nice, we believe that you not only need to acquire core business and management Know-How, but you also need to nurture your own interpersonal Skills. Our one-year BBA degree is a preferred choice for management aspirants. Company internships, which correspond to the studies being followed by the student, give rise to a 3-party agreement between the student, the University and the company. Join our BACHELOR of BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION – BBA, A One-Year International Full University Degree. Second most attractive destination in France - after Paris - with 164 different nationalities represented, the French Riviera will provide you with a true international experience going beyond your classes, and lead you to become a real global manager prepared to nowadays’ business world. IAE Nice. We offer you the chance to: Broaden your knowledge base, Supplement your core competencies, Seize the opportunity to gain a transverse managerial insight, and; Get access to one of our International Master's (master 2) or MBA programs. Gain in-depth knowledge in the field of business administration; Enhance your leadership potential; Give you the ability to take your career to the next level Acquire lifelong tools to achieve your ambitions Key points 22 Likes. Nice-Côte d’Azur international airport, second busiest of France, offers you rapid and low-cost connections not only to tourist destinations for your weekends, but also to your next career opportunities around Europe and worldwide. IAE Nice, Nice, France. Courses are scheduled three days a week to allow you to study and work at the same time if you choose so. Your courses are scheduled three days a week to allow you to study and work at the same time if you choose so. The Executive DBA is recognized by the Anglo-Saxon companies or those really internationalized. Fully international and directly connected to the business world, EDHEC is a school for business, rather than a business school, where excellence in teaching and research focuses on innovation to stimulate entrepreneurship and creativity. Welcome to Nice ; A word from the Dean; Your University; IAE France; The IAE France network ; Certification; Certification labels; Rankings; Communication - Press; Working at the University; Université Côte d'Azur; Contact us; Programs. Welcome to Nice ; A word from the Dean; Your University; IAE France; The IAE France network ; Certification; Certification labels; Rankings; Communication - Press; Working at the University; Université Côte d'Azur; Contact us; Programs. BBA Kick-off meeting at IAE Nice: all year long it will be a blend of core knowledge and soft skills. The MBA students at IAE have the opportunity to enrich their experience through our exchange program, that includes agreements with the best business schools in Europe, the United States and Latin America. Objectives. Asia. IAE Nice. The internship can be conducted part-time on the remaining days of the week from October to March, and/or full-time from April to September. Alles über Schule, Kontakt und Bewerbung in einem Klick! Dedicate One Year Only to Pass Your BBA at IAE Nice! Cohorts are composed of international students and lecturers have a strong international experience. Welcome to Nice ; A word from the Dean; Your University; IAE France; The IAE France network; Certification; Certification labels ; Rankings; Communication - Press; Working at the University; Université Côte d'Azur; Contact us; Programs. Our one-year BBA degree is a preferred choice for management aspirants. Applications are still open in September! Our BBA Kick off meeting on October 5 at IAE Nice. Soft Skills complimentary added value offer incl. : Les moyennes (Unités, Semestres, Années) sont calculées sur la base des coefficients indiqués. IAE Nice. Nice. Aller à la navigation. Europe. IAE Nice full professors and lecturers    International visiting professors    External professional speakers. You are then better suited to apply and join one of our International Masters. Join our BACHELOR of BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION – BBA, A One-Year International Full University Degree. Welcome to our 2020-2021 BBA students! MBA Finance an der IAE Nice Graduate School of Management , . The director's message; Certification labels; Rankings; Teaching staff; Administration staff; Communication - Press; Working at the University ; The University of Nice; Université Côte d'Azur; The IAE France network; Contact us; Programs. In combining the two aspects together, you will then be able to stand out of the crowd and show your personal ability to Act efficiently. Management of International Business [Master MIB], Faculté des lettres, Arts et Sciences Humaines (LASH), Ecole Supérieure du Professorat et de l'Education (ESPE), Institut du Droit de la Paix et du Développement (IDPD), Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (IAE), Institut Supérieur d’Économie et de Management (ISEM), Institut Universitaire de Technologie Nice-Côte d'Azur (IUT), Institut méditerranéen du risque, de l'environnement et du développement durable, DS 1 : Mathématiques et leurs intéractions, DS 3 : Sciences de la Terre et de l'Univers, Espace, DS 6 : Sciences de l'homme et des humanités, DS 9 : Sciences et Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication, DS 10 : Département Sciences Agronomiques et Ecologiques, Afficher d'autres contenus que les vôtres (laboratoires, projets, chercheurs...), Seize the opportunity to gain a transverse managerial insight, and. The right academic curriculum that combines practical learning and theoretical learning, A mandatory 4-to 6-month professional internship (April - September), Courses scheduled three days a week from October to March, Go deeper on fundamentals acquired in management and train yourself in the expectations of the market, Give you the ability to take your career to the next level and gain more expertise in Business Administration, Acquire lifelong tools to achieve your ambitions and dreams. It delivers degrees in finance, audit, marketing, wealth management, public management and tourism management. IAE Nice. Second most attractive destination in France - after Paris - with 164 different nationalities represented, the French Riviera will provide you with a true international experience going beyond your classes, and lead you to become a real global manager prepared to nowadays’ business world. Welcome to Nice ; A word from the Dean; Your University; IAE France; The IAE France network; Certification; Certification labels; Rankings; Communication - Press; Working at the University; Université Côte d'Azur; Contact us; Programs. 5.3K likes. From April to September you conduct your internship and defend a dissertation at the end of your experience. Cohorts are composed of international students and lecturers have a strong international experience. IAE Nice - Portal - Applications for the academic year 2020-2021 are closed. Like Comment Share. Our BBA is all about Know-How & Soft Skills. 4 - What we can expect from a DBA? We will continue… Aimée par Lilit Ayvazyan. Welcome to Nice ; A word from the Dean; Your University; IAE France; The IAE France network ; Certification; Certification labels; Rankings; Communication - Press; Working at the University; Université Côte d'Azur; Contact us; Programs. Foreigners 50% ADMISSION. Lectures take place on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday from October to December for the 1st semester, and from January to March for the 2nd semester. Holding A Levels combined with a minimum of 3 years of professional experience. IAE Nice. IAE FRANCE is a network of 35 Schools of Management located within Universitites. International candidates holding a student VISA can work up to 20 hours per week during their stay in France. Average work experience 5 years. My DBA in the IAE of Nice, brought to me credibility and care at every level public and private. International candidates holding a student VISA can work up to 20 hours per week during their stay in France. NiCE monitoring solutions connect your applications to the major IT enterprise management platforms such as Microsoft System Center (SCOM), Microsoft Azure, and to Micro Focus Operations Bridge. Welcome to Nice ; A word from the Dean; Your University; IAE France; The IAE France network ; Certification; Certification labels; Rankings; Communication - Press; Working at the University; Université Côte d'Azur; Contact us; Programs. Check the ranking of countries that interest you ! What was the contribution of the DBA IAE Nice in your professional life? Your courses are scheduled three days a week to allow you to study and work at the same time if you choose so. Aller au contenu. Welcome to our 2020-2021 BBA students! : With our BBA, it is easy to build familiarity with an International Master’s degree at IAE Nice. It is a great honor and huge responsibility for me to receive the "Hero's of our time" award from our president Armen Sarkissian. Dedicate One Year Only to Pass Your BBA at IAE Nice! IAE Nice - 5 Rue du 22e B.C.A., 06300 Nice, France - Rated 4.7 based on 10 Reviews "Magnifique structure ou Tout est mis en œuvre pour étudier." You are then better suited to apply and join one of our International Masters. Join our BBA curriculum at IAE Nice! It is a diploma of the university of Nice Sophia Antipolis. IAE Nice. In combining the two aspects together, you will then be able to stand out of the crowd and show your personal ability to Act efficiently.
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